Thursday, July 13, 2017

Trump Disclaimer, Falling Asleep to an MK Ultra Youtube Documentary, Galaga And Subsequent Disturbing Dream About Courtney Love

On being asked already why I have not mentioned Trump or politics yet in my new blog, which is only four entries deep after I complete this one, I will say this: that man permeates way too much of our culture already, written or otherwise, and not in a positive way, and I am not going to use this space for a continuing discussion or analysis of his possibly country-crashing circus. It’s not that I am not extremely concerned—I won’t even emote here prolifically to qualify that. Suffice it to say, around Douglasville where I live, if the Trump bumper-stickers emitted tractor beams, we could all be towed wherever we pleased all over town without spending money on the constantly fluctuating prices of petrol. Regardless of how the Electoral College functions, or despite the value of the vote or vote-tampering by foreign bodies, the general scuttlebutt and feel of where I live demonstrates that the fellas and damsels around here wanted that man for their president. He has overtaken the White House like a cross between The Blob and Jabba the Hut, but my forum is no White House—it’s more like a dirty pub in the middle of an ancient library which serves great burgers and has an underground passage to an indie-rock club located in a planetarium/observatory, and I am sure he would be as uninterested in coming here as he is unwelcome to in the first place.

That being said, I fell asleep yesterday afternoon for a short nap—set an alarm and all that. I had begun listening to a Youtube documentary about MK Ultra programs in anticipation of the second season of STRANGER THINGS before my nap, and I lied on the couch and just let it keep going. The video was only about an hour long, and so was my nap, so it was over when I woke up to do some more work. About the time I fell asleep, they were discussing deprivation tactics in combination with sodium pentothal and LSD in order to manipulate, control, or create a Manchurian Candidate or for the purpose of truth serum technology for primarily Cold War spy issues and Russians…wait, now I am thinking of Trump again. Okay, so, here is the weird part…

While I power-napped, I had a weird dream about Courtney Love. She and I were lying on what seemed to be a hotel room bed, both naked from the waist up and talking. We were both very young in the dream—I am 45, and she is currently 53—and I remember thinking that we both looked pretty good. We seemed to be in our twenties in dreamland, but I was not aroused or attracted to her. She kept talking about going to Jack-In-The-Box, and I was explaining to her that we don’t have those around here—she was not pleased. She also mentioned that she needed to go makeup shopping, but that I need not accompany her, and we had a Galaga arcade terminal in the room in the corner, so I told her I was content to stay and play free Galaga. About that time, my dream ended due to the alarm, and the Youtube program had already proceeded to the next video in its endless MK Ultra loop, which, in and of itself, could most likely also be used in a deprivation experiment for programming an individual.

So, anyway, I had a random thought about Courtney Love and MK Ultra—like I said, it gets weird. I simply started googling Courtney Love and the CIA, MK Ultra, Project Monarch, etc. All sorts of stranger things emerged from the Cloud—by the time I spent about twenty minutes on this search, I went down some pretty dark territory which you can look into yourself. The gist of it is that Love’s father was involved with these programs, and the conspiranatics postulate that she was activated as a Manchurian Candidate to kill Cobain for his agenda of encouraging creativity, personal freedoms, gender equality and gender identity respect, and general punk rock aesthetic of free thought. Of course, the more I looked, and I forced myself to stop looking, the crazier it got, and I will warn you there is some dark territory to be found on this search. Oh, right, why is this weird?

I postulated that, obviously, one of the shows had been speaking about the MK Ultra/Courtney Love connection, and so I must have incorporated it into my dreams by over-hearing. I went back and re-watched the two programs which had played during my short nap—one in its entirety, and the other which had just begun when I woke. Neither of them ever mentioned Courtney Love, ever, but one of them did mention the use of psychedelic and rock music as means of mass programming of youth culture. I know I could have somewhere or subconsciously picked up on the supposed MK Ultra/Courtney Love connection—however, you need to understand—I was obsessed with Nirvana when Cobain died and was in college learning to play guitar by covering their songs. I read everything I could get my hands on about his death and have watched several documentaries over the decades, but it never occurred to me that he was a government hit by his wife who was manipulated from a young age by the CIA—you know what I mean? I never heard of this conspiracy theory before, and my friends will tell you I've been into conspiracy theories for entertainment value for years.

Then it occurred to me—the surrealism of the current White House and administration makes it possible for me to think, even on a subconscious level and in my dreams, that any weird conspiracy may be viable. Then, the zeitgeist which has already picked this up makes it pretty easy for me to, most likely, google anything beside or with “MK Ultra” and get a result—to test this, I just picked a random word from my brain—“kangaroo”. Unbelievable…see just the links below...there was a lot more...many more white rabbit holes, if you know what I mean...

Incidentally, I finish this entry just wishing that Galaga console was here--I've got my Catcher In The Rye, my tin-foil hat, and my cyanide fake tooth, but I just want my ship to get captured and rescued so I can kick ass in the bonus round.

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